Planning a wedding is beautiful, exciting, thrilling and.. challenging. Time, commitment and preparation are necessary to arrive to the wedding day happy with the results. With no sudden setbacks! Because of that it would be very useful to organise a proper plan summarising how to proceed and how to articulate the wedding’s timetable. Just like a proper calendar!

Besides the cheerful part, we all know quite well how challenging it could be for the couple to coordinate everything without missing any detail. Following we want to show you the approximative organisational schedule under optimal conditions.
It is implied that a good wedding planner is able to organise a wedding in shorter time, thanks to the good knowledge of the territory in which he/she works. Tuscany is a land that offers many reception facilities and beautiful locations: advising the couple is always a pleasure, even with a tight schedule.
Let’s go back to business! Here is a short summary of all the steps that you will meet on the months before the big day. Every time you’ll fear about some missing details, do not panic! Take this wedding timetable and check your progresses.
– 365 days
a year is usually the time needed to organise a wedding up to your expectations. First of all you have to set the date and the place of the ceremony by talking to the priest or the mayor, respectively in case of a religious or civil ceremony.
– 10 months
nine/ten month before the wedding it is fundamental to get informations about the necessary documents to be prepared and presented. Another important task in this period, is the choice of the location where the party will take place, above all if we consider that the best locations could be already taken as many people aspire to them .

– 9 months
at this point date and place of the party will be already known. It is now time to take care of the guests and consequently of the wedding invitations to be sent. In this phase we need to provide the wedding wit a specific style and, given the fact that the invitation communicates this style, these need to be prepared with great care. The task of the wedding planner is to help composing the list, divide the tables and to collect the invitations’ answers: a delicate and complex work that, if it is done by a professional figure, will relieve the couple from this difficult task.
– 8 months
ornaments, decorations, best men, flowers, bridesmaids: a long list of choices to be taken at least 8 months before the big event. Also the search of the dress has to begin in this period, if only to know how much budget is left. The wedding planner is in constant contact with stylists and ateliers in order to give you the possibility to choose from the new collections with reasonable prices.

– 6 months
the hard part is over, but it is not finished yet! Take at least 6 months to look after the details, by getting once again advices from the wedding planner. From the wedding list to the photographer, that will represent your emotions with his/her beautiful pictures; from the boxes of sweets (see the article that I wrote about our boxes of sweets) to the honeymoon. Do not miss anything!
– 3 months
The wedding rings! Essential from a practical and emotional point of view. Take 3 months time before the wedding in order to choose the rings that you like the most and that respect the budget. Another thing to decide: the hairstyle and the makeup of the bride, that need to adapt to the dress and the event mood agreed together with the wedding planner.

– 1 month
The guests list must be ready and confirmed at least one month earlier (no later). It is the moment to organise accurately the tableau de mariage, that need to have the same style of the wedding. Adding more guests in the last few weeks will probably cause problems to the organisation of the event. Last call to obtain all the necessary documents for both the ceremony and the honeymoon.
– 1 week
At this point nothing can go wrong: the wedding calendar is close to it’s end. You only have to take a deep breath, relax and wait for one of the best days of your life!